Saturday, 28 April 2012

Day 3 - Successes, failures and a stabbed thumb

Day three proved popular with the public, I was kept busy explaining the process to numerous members of the public as well as a large group of gallery volunteers from Brisbane. I did manage to print two objects in the morning and when Corrie arrived later in the day we printed four cogs she had designed overnight with an object I whipped up in a couple of minutes to fill space on the printing platform. My attempt to dye the alien-egg object from day 2 was basically a failure; the egg did fill with dye overnight so it wasn't as watertight as I had initially thought and the dye seems to have only coloured the object inside and in certain areas. The result is quite uneven so I will have to explore other options for colouring the objects. I experimented with density settings for the support material and have found that the 'lowest density' settings still provide enough support for overhanging elements but are easy to remove from the finished product. Incidentally I slipped with a knife while removing some raft and support material from an object and stabbed myself in the thumb. I might stick to sandpaper from now on!

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