Sunday, 27 May 2012

20, 21, 22 & 23 - Mixed results

The final days of the residency were spent moving towards a final outcome. I had realised some time prior to this point that the multi-part creation and the musical instrument were probably not practical things to be working on, especially considering how tired I was becoming each evening as the residency progressed; I was barely able to keep my eyes open for long enough to eat dinner, much less go into a modelling frenzy. I attempted two prints of a persian inspired decorative object on the Makerbot and the results were very dissapointing as the objects developed large splits in them during the printing process.

Initial research indicated that the air conditioning in the gallery could be causing these issues but after enclosing the Makerbot in its own sealed perspex box the splitting remained an issue. During these final days I printed a lightly larger version of the fractal spinning top and a slightly smaller version of the decorative ball on the UP! printer as well as a small population of Xeno-urchins on the Makerbot.

As if the late arrival of the Makerbot and the 3d scanning system hadn't already thrown a figurative spanner in the works the coloured filament arrived three days before the end of the residency. I began to have dreams of neon green urchins.

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